Integrative Counseling


(free 15 min phone consultation)

It is imperative to integrate the lessons that the medicine teaches us into our daily lives and actions. For that reason, I offer post-kambo counseling sessions to help facilitate that process.


I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's of Science Psychology degree, and studied Jungian and transpersonal psychology on my own before, during and after my formal education. It has been a passion of mine for most of my life understanding the inner workings of people, and helping them to gain insights into their behaviors, desires, dreams, habits, and facilitating growth in all areas of life by building a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious.


If you're looking to integrate the medicine OR to simply have insights into your current life and patterns, feel stuck or confused and would like a little help, let me know. This can be done in person or by phone/video chat. 


Here for more information about my holistic approach